Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Climbing Beacon Rock, Driving to Asperger Group, Meeting folks, and Blowing winds

Made it to Beacon Rock on Saturday afternoon. My husband and I walked along the muddy trail to a series of ramps and rocks. One switchback after another. At one point we looked up and saw an eterinity of bridges climbing the rusty brown rock side. We stopped at an overlook and saw the Columbia River Gorge. The clouds, reflected against the river, made the river seem a sea green. Many small motor boats were zooming back and forth. We made it to the top and then climbed back down. The momentary clear sky trailed after us.Got together with friends for dinner. It was a good Saturday.

Sunday, I made it to the Portland Asperger Group. We met some new folks and had quite a good time. We watched a video on a person who had challenging job experiences. It was good to see that the "diagnosis" helped him understand himself and do better on the job. It's amazing, but the group has become like a second family and, in general, folks look out for eachother. Next month we will have a pot luck.

Yesterday I had a busy time meeting with Internet Professionals Northwest (IPN) I have been filled in the latest and greatest in the Internet world. On the way home, I chatted with a bus driver who got off work and was also taking the Max. Apparently there is a lot of traffic along the Burnside bridge that caused delays. Her riders wanted to get off at the middle of the road along a dangerous intersection. Leave it to the bus driver to save the day and get the folks to a safer spot.

Today, I was blown around by the winds of Tualatin. Luckily I made it back with the car - My husband and I went to the gym. Tomorrow and Friday I will continue to work on my blog article.


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